Ditching Expectations: Embracing Authenticity and Redefining Success

Embracing Authenticity in a World of Expectations

As I stroll through the vibrant streets of Washington D.C., a city that has been a constant in my life’s orbit, I’m reminded of the transformative power of self-awareness. My time in D.C. was marked by a sense of stagnation, but my subsequent move to Paris became a catalyst for growth, both personally and professionally. I discovered a new sense of purpose, fell in love, and cultivated a healthier relationship with money.

Despite the many advantages Paris offered, I still found myself drawn to D.C., a city that resonated with my personality. Now, I make it a point to visit at least twice a year, reveling in the city’s cultural attractions and culinary delights. The question that often lingers in my mind is: why don’t I live here? On paper, it seems like the perfect choice – more affordable than New York, minus the skyscrapers I dislike, and still offering all the trappings of city life.

The Weight of Cultural Expectations

However, there’s an unspoken pressure to conform to certain standards, particularly in my industry. New York is often viewed as the epicenter of success, and many people believe that being there is essential for career advancement. This perception of success is rooted in the idea that proximity to the “right” people and opportunities is crucial. While I don’t subscribe to this notion, I’m aware that it still holds significant cultural capital.

Breaking Free from External Validation

This realization has led me to reflect on the many ways we spend money and energy seeking approval from others. Whether it’s a luxurious apartment, an extravagant wedding, or pursuing higher education, we often make choices that aren’t truly our own. We’re driven by the desire for validation, compliments, or simply to avoid judgment. But at what cost?

The Invisible Tax of Conformity

There’s an invisible tax we pay for conforming to societal expectations, and it’s a price that can leave us feeling unfulfilled and financially strained. We imagine that certain achievements – like getting married, landing a prestigious job, or owning a home – are essential milestones, each with its own price tag. But what about those who can’t or don’t want to meet these expectations? Are they somehow less worthy?

Embracing Authenticity in 2016

For me, 2016 is about shedding the need for external validation and embracing my true self. I’ve started by pruning my social networks, removing people whose opinions shouldn’t influence my decisions. I’ve also stopped justifying my choices to others, recognizing that my happiness is all that matters.

Empowering Yourself

If you’re working multiple jobs, opting out of certain opportunities, or simply living life on your own terms, that’s something to be proud of. Remember, you don’t owe anyone an explanation for your choices. If you’re stuck in a situation that’s draining your mental and financial resources, it’s okay to re-evaluate and make a change.

Redefining Success

In the end, success is not about meeting someone else’s expectations; it’s about living a life that’s authentic, healthy, and constantly improving. So, take a step back, assess what truly makes you happy, and don’t be afraid to pivot. You are the only one who needs to be satisfied with your choices.


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