The Art of Building a Professional Wardrobe: Where to Splurge and Where to Save
When it comes to dressing for work, every woman has her own unique approach. What works for one person may not work for another, and it’s often a challenge to determine how much to spend on clothes. However, one thing is certain: building a professional-looking wardrobe is crucial for every professional woman.
The Impact of Your Work Wardrobe
The way you dress at work can greatly influence how others perceive you. A fashion misstep at a critical moment, such as a job interview, can have serious repercussions. This is why paying attention to your work wardrobe is essential.
Determining Your Budget
So, how much should you spend on clothes each month? According to Pete The Planner, you should allocate about 5% of your monthly income towards clothing. Other sources suggest spending 3.8%-4% of your annual salary on clothes, including both personal and professional attire.
Where to Splurge and Where to Save
To gain a better understanding of how women approach building their professional wardrobes, I reached out to seven professional women to share their thoughts on what items they splurge on and where they cut costs.
Chelsea: Blazer and Shoes
Chelsea splurges on a good blazer, which she believes ties her entire professional wardrobe together. She also invests in quality shoes, including black heels, leather boots, and chic flats.
Marissa: Work Pants and Button-Downs
Marissa skimps on shoes due to her daily commute, but splurges on work pants that fit her curvy body well. She also invests in high-quality button-down tops.
Emily: Makeup and Hair Products
Emily relies on secondhand and thrift stores for work basics, but splurges on makeup and hair products to elevate her overall look.
Stacey: Comfortable Shoes
Stacey skimps on work bags, opting for affordable options from websites like Asos and Target. However, she splurges on comfortable shoes that are both stylish and high-quality.
Abbey: Blazers, Shoes, and Accessories
Abbey skimps on tops and blouses, finding them easily on sale racks. However, she splurges on good blazers, shoes, bags, jewelry, and other accessories to make herself look older and more professional.
Mara: Shoes and Self-Expression
As a nurse, Mara skimps on most clothes, wearing scrubs every day. However, she splurges on shoes, which she uses to express herself and add some personality to her work attire.
Danielle: Beauty and Self-Grooming
Danielle works in finance and has a unique approach to building her professional wardrobe. She skimps on basic items like skirts and pants, but splurges on beauty and self-grooming maintenance costs, including regular nail appointments, haircuts, and gym memberships.
Ultimately, building a professional wardrobe is about finding a balance between quality and affordability. By understanding where to splurge and where to save, you can create a wardrobe that makes you feel confident and professional.
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