Transform Your Finances by Transforming Your Habits

Transforming Habits, Transforming Finances

As I reflect on my personal journey, I realize that 2019 has been a year of significant habit changes. From regular exercise to maintaining a tidy closet, I’ve made progress. However, I’m aware that there’s still room for improvement. My nail-biting habit and tendency to opt for convenience over taking the subway are two areas I’m committed to addressing.

The Power of One

I’ve learned that focusing on one new habit at a time is key to making lasting changes. This approach allows me to concentrate my efforts and build momentum. Recently, I came across an article that highlighted the negative impact of hitting the snooze button. It’s a habit I’ve been guilty of, and it’s astonishing how much time I waste each morning.

Rise and Shine

Sleeping in can make us feel groggy, unproductive, and ultimately, worse off than if we had simply gotten out of bed. Waking up is a mindset; it’s about training ourselves to respond positively to our alarm clocks. I’ve adopted a simple technique: counting down from 3, 2, 1, and springing out of bed before my mind can react. It’s surprisingly effective!

This Week’s Top Reads

1. Rethinking Our Relationship with Money

The Finance Twins challenge our negative perceptions of saving money, encouraging us to view it as a positive, empowering act.

2. The Dark Side of Financial Advice

Brave Saver shares a personal story about how “tough love” approaches to money management can lead to toxic shame and stagnation.

3. The Reality of Retirement

ESI Money reflects on the fleeting nature of life, highlighting the importance of making the most of our time.

4. Organizing Your Finances with Bullet Journaling

The Land Of Milk And Money showcases 27 inspiring bullet journal weekly spread ideas to help you manage your money and stay organized.

5. The Power of Inspiration

Steve Ark recounts a remarkable encounter that changed his career trajectory, illustrating the impact of positive influences on our lives.

6. Boosting Productivity with a Morning Routine

City Frugal explores the benefits of a well-structured morning routine, which can even help shorten your working career.

7. Breaking Free from Ineffective Habits

We On Fire emphasizes the importance of recognizing and eliminating bad habits that hold us back from achieving financial independence.


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