Flip Failure: How Rejection Can Fuel Your Success

Embracing Rejection: The Key to Unlocking Success

When it comes to achieving our goals, most of us strive for success, not rejection. However, what if I told you that rejection is an essential step towards growth and accomplishment? It may seem counterintuitive, but aiming for more rejections in 2020 could be the game-changer you need to take your career to the next level.

Rejection Means You’re Trying

Every time you face rejection, it means you’ve taken a risk and put yourself out there. You’ve applied for that job, asked for a new assignment, or showcased your work. Without taking these steps, it’s impossible to grow and develop in your career and life. Successful individuals like Anna Wintour and Oprah Winfrey have faced rejection, but they didn’t let it hold them back. Instead, they used it as an opportunity to learn and grow.

Asking for What You Want

Being rejected means you’ve asked for something you want. This takes courage and confidence, and it’s a valuable skill that can help you grow both personally and professionally. When you ask for what you want, you’re taking control of your career and life. You’re not waiting for others to give you opportunities; you’re creating them for yourself.

Growth Happens in Uncomfortable Moments

Growth and progress often occur in uncomfortable moments when you’ve put yourself out there and tried. It’s better to face rejection than to wonder what could have been. Think about it like asking someone out on a date. If they say no, it may sting, but at least you know where you stand. The same applies to work scenarios. If you want a raise, ask for it. If you want to work with a particular client, reach out and introduce yourself.

Feedback is Key

Each rejection is an opportunity to learn and grow. Ask for feedback, and use it to improve your chances in the future. Whether it’s a “no” from an employer or a potential client, ask them to elaborate on their reasoning. You may be surprised at how much you can learn from their feedback.

Celebrate Your Efforts

By counting rejections instead of successes, you’re celebrating each time you tried and learned from those pursuits. You’re giving yourself a benchmark that you can control and a way to make the journey and feedback fun, rather than painful. At the end of the day, all you can do is take a shot and do your best – why not celebrate that?


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