Trust Yourself: The Liberating Power of Self-Permission in Your Career

The Power of Self-Permission: Unlocking Your Career Potential

Have you ever found yourself seeking advice from others when you already know the answer? You’re not alone. Many of us have a tendency to second-guess ourselves, especially when it comes to our careers.

The Problem with Seeking External Validation

When we rely on others for guidance, we can end up feeling more stuck than ever. We may seek out multiple opinions, hoping to find a consensus that will give us the confidence to make a decision. But what if the answer lies within?

Permission Seeking Behavior: A Pattern of Insecurity

This pattern of behavior is known as permission seeking. We seek out external validation when we’re faced with our own insecurities about our decisions and thoughts. But what if we could learn to trust ourselves?

A Personal Story of Self-Discovery

I recall a time when I was torn about leaving my corporate job. Despite having a gut feeling that it was time to move on, I sought out advice from friends and family. But the more I talked to others, the more uncertain I became. It wasn’t until I gave myself permission to leave that the weight was lifted, and my career began to flourish.

The Liberating Power of Self-Permission

When we give ourselves permission, we unlock our true potential. We no longer waste time and brain space seeking external validation. Instead, we tap into our inner guidance and trust ourselves to make decisions that align with our values and goals.

What Does Self-Permission Look Like?

Self-permission is not just about making big decisions; it’s about showing up to your own life and standing up for what you want. It can look like:

  • Signing up for a course that sparks your curiosity
  • Taking an extra hour to work on your passion project
  • Setting boundaries with others to protect your time and energy
  • Declining an opportunity that doesn’t feel right for you
  • Prioritizing your health and well-being

Grant Yourself Permission

No one knows you better than you know yourself. It’s time to trust yourself and follow your intuition. Grant yourself permission to be brave, to take risks, and to pursue your dreams. By doing so, you’ll unlock your true potential and discover a more fulfilling career path.


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