5 Life-Changing Lessons from a Year of Remote Work and Travel

Breaking Free: 5 Lessons from a Life on the Road

Six months ago, we embarked on an adventure of a lifetime. We packed up our belongings, bid farewell to our San Diego home, and hit the open road. With a sense of freedom and excitement, we set out to experience the world and run our business from anywhere.

As our journey comes to an end, we reflect on the lessons we’ve learned along the way. From the importance of breaking routine to the power of simplicity, our experiences have taught us valuable insights that can be applied to any aspect of life.

Lesson 1: Break Up Your Routine

Stuck in a rut? Feeling stagnant? It’s time to shake things up! Breaking your routine can be as simple as taking a different route to work or trying a new hobby. For us, it meant leaving behind the familiar and embracing the unknown. By doing so, we discovered new ideas, possibilities, and a fresh perspective on life.

Lesson 2: Focus on What You Enjoy

When you’re passionate about what you do, work doesn’t feel like work. We learned this lesson the hard way, realizing that our business was becoming too focused on tasks we didn’t enjoy. By making a conscious effort to prioritize what we love, we’ve been able to scale our business, impact more people, and find happiness in our work.

Lesson 3: Keep Expenses Low

Financial freedom is a beautiful thing. Without the burden of rent or mortgage payments, we were able to focus on building our business and creating a vision for the future. By keeping expenses low, we’ve been able to take risks, deviate from our original path, and pursue opportunities that bring us joy.

Lesson 4: Don’t Believe Everything You Read Online

The location-independent lifestyle may seem glamorous, but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows. We’ve faced challenges, setbacks, and moments of frustration. If you’re considering this lifestyle, be aware of the pros and cons. Weigh your options carefully, and don’t be afraid to take a step back when needed.

Lesson 5: You Only Need 5% of What You Own

Simplifying our lives has been a game-changer. By letting go of material possessions and focusing on what truly matters, we’ve found peace and clarity. When you have fewer choices, you’re able to make more important decisions in your work and life. Remember, less is often more.

As we return to our San Diego home, we carry with us the lessons of our journey. We hope to inspire you to break free from the norm, take risks, and pursue your passions. Go ahead, do something a little bit crazy – you never know where it might lead you!


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