Painful Psoriasis: Uncover the Causes and Find Relief

Psoriasis: Uncovering the Factors Behind Painful Flare-Ups

When dealing with a painful skin condition like psoriasis, finding relief quickly is essential. While itching and redness are common symptoms, pain can also be a significant aspect of the condition. In this article, we’ll explore the factors contributing to painful psoriasis flare-ups and provide guidance on prevention and management.

Understanding Psoriasis

More than 7.5 million adults in the U.S. live with psoriasis, yet the exact cause remains unknown. Research suggests a link to genetic background and an overactive immune system, which can lead to an accelerated production of skin cells. This buildup causes thick, red, scaly patches (plaques) that can be itchy and painful.

The Prevalence of Skin Pain

A 2015 study revealed that approximately 44% of people with plaque psoriasis experienced skin pain in the previous week, describing it as itchy, unpleasant, aching, sensitive, hot or burning, tender, or cramping. Painful psoriasis can significantly impact daily activities, sleep, and overall well-being.

Common Triggers

Several factors can trigger psoriasis flare-ups, including:

  • Cold, dry weather: Warm, sunny climates tend to alleviate symptoms.
  • Stress: Omnipresent stress can exacerbate psoriasis.
  • Illness: Infections like strep throat, ear infections, bronchitis, tonsillitis, or respiratory infections can trigger flare-ups.
  • Skin injury: Scratches, sunburn, bug bites, and vaccinations may irritate skin and lead to flare-ups.
  • Medications: Certain drugs like beta blockers, lithium, and anti-malaria medication have been linked to psoriasis.
  • Smoking or drinking alcohol: Both can trigger psoriasis flare-ups.

Personalized Triggers

Each individual’s triggers are unique, so tracking symptoms can help identify patterns and prevent flare-ups.

Treatments and Remedies

Prescription Treatments

Topical steroid medications are often the first line of treatment. For moderate or severe cases, oral medications or injections may be recommended. Options include methotrexate, fumaric acid esters, ciclosporin, and biologics.

Home Remedies

In addition to prescription medications, home remedies can help manage psoriasis. Stress management techniques like meditation, regular exercise, and psychotherapy can reduce itching and pain. Good skin care, including gentle cleansing and moisturizing, is essential for keeping skin comfortable.

Preventing Painful Flare-Ups

To prevent painful psoriasis flare-ups, it’s crucial to:

  • Maintain good skin care: Gentle cleansing and adequate moisturizing can keep skin comfortable.
  • Manage stress: Techniques like meditation, regular exercise, and psychotherapy can reduce itching and pain.
  • Avoid triggers: Identify and avoid personal triggers to prevent flare-ups.

When to Seek Medical Attention

If you experience skin pain, joint pain, or rapid worsening of symptoms, consult your doctor. They can help diagnose and treat underlying issues, such as infection or psoriatic arthritis.

The Takeaway

Psoriasis can cause significant pain, but with the right treatment and self-care, it’s possible to manage symptoms and improve quality of life. By understanding the factors behind painful flare-ups and taking proactive steps, you can reduce stress and pain associated with psoriasis.


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