Unlock the Power of TRX Yoga: Transform Your Practice
Are you ready to take your yoga practice to the next level? Discover how incorporating TRX suspension trainers can enhance your poses, build strength, and boost confidence. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced yogi, this guide will show you how to use TRX to modify and master even the most challenging postures.
Why TRX Yoga?
TRX suspension trainers are not just for bodyweight exercises; they can also be used to support and enhance your yoga practice. The suspension aspect of TRX builds not only muscle strength but also confidence for poses that may be difficult or intimidating. With TRX, you can focus on proper alignment, engage your core, and improve your overall yoga practice.
Getting Started
To begin, you’ll need a TRX suspension trainer and an anchor point. A yoga mat is optional. You can use TRX to practice, progress, stretch, or flow through various yoga moves. Whether you’re new to yoga or looking to expand your practice, there’s something here for everyone.
Standing Poses
- Triangle: Stand under the anchor, straps on your right with handles at waist. Place your right hand on both handles and step your right leg out, toes facing straps. Turn your left foot so your heel is perpendicular to your right heel. Press your right hand down into the straps as you hinge at the waist and extend your right hand forward.
- Low Lunge: Stand facing away from the anchor, straps at mid-length, with hands on handles extended out at shoulder height. Step one foot forward into a lunge position, setting your back knee on the floor and lifting your arms. Sink your hips forward and press into the handles to draw your shoulders away from your ears.
Balance Poses
- Tree Pose: Set straps to mid-length or adjust as needed for height and flexibility. Stand under the anchor with straps hanging in front of you. Use the straps for support and balance by placing your right foot in both foot cradles. Press your right sole into your left thigh and inner thigh into the foot. Open your knee and keep your pelvis slightly tucked to maintain a neutral spine.
- Side Plank: Set straps to mid-calf. Start on all fours facing away from the anchor with one foot in each foot cradle. Walk your hands out to high plank position. Lower onto your right forearm, elbow under shoulder, as you roll your body into an elevated side plank and left arm reaches to ceiling.
Seated Poses
- Half Pigeon: Set straps to mid-calf. Face the anchor point in downward dog position. Bring your right knee to chest and set your right knee down behind your right wrist with your foot at your left hip. Bring your hands to the handles and press down to release your shoulders. Square your hips and keep the top of your left leg on the floor as you untuck your left toes.
- Happy Baby: Set straps at mid-calf. Lie faceup under the anchor point. Bend your knees and bring them toward your underarms. Place one foot in each cradle. Pull the handles to help draw your ankles down to stack over your knees. Press your lower back into the floor and don’t allow your butt to lift as you reach for your feet.
Core Poses
- Boat: Set straps to mid-calf. Sit under the anchor point with your feet flat on the floor, hands on handles. Extend your arms and press through your hands to draw your shoulder blades down. Lift your legs so your shins are parallel to the floor, lean back slightly to balance, and maintain a straight back and engaged core.
- Forearm Pike: Set straps at mid-calf. Start on all fours facing away from the anchor point with your feet in foot cradles. Lower onto your forearms with your elbows directly under your shoulders. Engage your core, press your palms into the floor, press your feet into the cradles, and pike your hips up to stack over your shoulders.
- Crow: Set straps to mid-calf. Start on all fours facing away from the anchor point with your feet in foot cradles directly under the anchor. Press your hands into the floor and your feet into the foot cradles so that your knees lift up and hover. Engage your core and hold for at least 3 to 5 breaths.
- Headstand: Set straps to mid-calf. Start on all fours facing away from the anchor point, feet in the foot cradles directly under the anchor. Staying on your knees, walk your hands out to a modified plank position. Bring your forearms to the floor, elbows under shoulders. Interlace your fingers and press firmly into forearm plank as you press your feet into the foot cradles to lift your knees off the floor.
Wheel Pose
To practice wheel pose and other backbends, you can convert your TRX straps into single-handle mode. Follow the steps below to get started.
- Wheel: Step 1: Convert straps to single-handle mode and set length to hip height. Loop straps around your torso so tied handles are right under your shoulder blades. Walk away from the anchor and slowly lean back to let your chest open into a supported backbend.
- Wheel: Step 2: Set straps at mid-length in regular mode. Start standing with one hand on each handle. Extend your arms and walk your feet forward. Lift and open your chest to come into a slight backbend.
- Wheel: Step 3: Convert TRX to single-handle mode and set length at hip height (or adjust based on flexibility). Perform step 1 but this time let handles come toward the base of your spine. Walk your feet forward so you come directly under the anchor point. Ground your feet down and open your chest into a backbend.
Special Thanks
Special thanks to Shauna Harrison, Under Armour trainer and TRX for Yoga ambassador, who curated and modeled these moves for us. Harrison wears her own Under Armour gear and uses a TRX Suspension Trainer. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter. This shoot was shot on location at the Workout Factory in New York.
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