Revolutionize Your Run: Train Smarter, Not Harder

Summer Sizzle: Revamping Your Running Routine

As the mercury rises, many of us hit the pavement to get in shape for the warmer months. But what if you could achieve your running goals without sacrificing your social life to endless hours of training? Enter NYC Endurance, a revolutionary approach to running that’s turning traditional training methods on its head.

Technique Over Distance

Unlike conventional plans that focus on logging miles, NYC Endurance coaches prioritize shorter, high-intensity sessions that hone in on proper technique. By doing so, they aim to reduce the risk of injury and improve overall performance. We decided to put their “Train Less, Go Faster!” philosophy to the test and see if it’s more than just a catchy slogan.

Getting Started

To gauge our progress, coaches Brian Harkins and Rick Gawley had us complete a series of 500-meter laps around the block while they filmed our form. After four laps of dodging pedestrians, we headed indoors for a crash course on running training and technique. The CrossFit Endurance methodology was explained in detail, highlighting its focus on shorter, faster sessions to engage multiple metabolic pathways. By incorporating strength training and conditioning exercises into their regimen, NYC Endurance runners can achieve impressive results while logging fewer miles than traditional programs.

Form Over Function

The real magic happened when we delved into drills designed to correct our inefficient running habits. Through a series of exercises, we learned to adopt a hamstring-dominant stride that minimizes time on the ground and leverages gravity to propel us forward. Watching our pre-drill footage was a humbling experience, but seeing the improvement in our form after just one afternoon of training was nothing short of remarkable.

Putting it into Practice

With our newfound knowledge, we headed back out to the block to put our refined technique into action. The coaches filmed our revised form, and the results spoke for themselves – our “after” videos showed significant improvement from just hours earlier. If you’re interested in revamping your running routine, be sure to check out NYC Endurance’s website and follow them on Twitter to learn more about their innovative approach.


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