Surprising Stories from the Web: Food, Fitness, and More!

Weekly Web Wonders: The Best of the Internet

Nutritious Surprises from Unlikely Sources

When it comes to food, we often overlook the humble acorn. But a group of adventurous foodies in Portland has discovered the nutritional jackpot hidden within these pesky nuts. Rich in protein, carbohydrates, and minerals, acorns are a treasure trove of goodness. The catch? They taste bitter straight off the tree. However, with a little creativity – shelling, submerging in water, and grinding – acorns can be transformed into a perfect ground meal for soups or flatbreads.

Fast Food Giant Takes a Stand Against Haters

McDonald’s has faced its fair share of criticism, but the fast food giant is fighting back with a new slogan: Lovin’ is Greater Than Hatin’. While it’s unclear what this phrase has to do with selling burgers, it’s clear that McDonald’s is trying to shake off its haters. Will this cutesy but obvious approach work? Only time will tell.

The Power of Natural Foods

Tim Herrera, a reporter at The Washington Post, embarked on a 30-day journey to cut out processed and refined foods from his diet. His results? A healthier, happier him. Eating natural foods was a challenge at first, but ultimately, his body thanked him for it. Herrera’s experience is a relatable and entertaining read that will make you rethink your own eating habits.

The Art of Doing Nothing at Work

We’ve all been there – stuck at our desks, scrolling through social media, and wondering why we’re not getting more done. According to The Atlantic, many workers slack off because they simply don’t have enough work to do. It’s not about being lazy; it’s about being underutilized. So, what’s the solution?

The Performance Revolution

Fifty years ago, athletic feats like throwing a 90 mile-per-hour fastball or running a four-minute mile were rare. Today, they’re commonplace. What accounts for these dramatic improvements? The answer lies in a focus on statistics, playback reels, and a shift in how we think about athleticism. We now know that specialized practice can improve anyone’s athletic prowess, regardless of natural ability. The performance revolution has come to athletics – and beyond.


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