Psoriasis and Alcohol: The Surprising Connection You Need to Know

The Surprising Link Between Psoriasis and Alcohol

If you’re living with psoriasis, you may have noticed that a night out with friends or a few drinks at a party can lead to a dreaded flare-up. But is there really a connection between alcohol consumption and psoriasis? Research suggests that alcohol is a known psoriasis trigger, and excessive drinking is common among people with the condition.

The Risks of Mixing Psoriasis and Alcohol

Drinking alcohol, even in small amounts, can:

  • Worsen psoriasis symptoms or trigger a flare-up
  • Negatively impact psoriasis treatment
  • Increase the risk of serious side effects from certain medications
  • Lower the likelihood of psoriasis remission
  • Reduce immunity and increase the risk of infection
  • Increase the risk of liver disease
  • Increase the risk of alcohol abuse

Uncovering the Connection Between Psoriasis and Alcohol

While the exact causes of psoriasis are still unknown, research suggests that environmental factors, including alcohol consumption, may play a role. Studies have found a link between alcohol consumption and psoriasis symptoms, with one review concluding that alcohol can negatively impact psoriasis symptoms.

The Impact of Different Types of Alcohol

Research has focused more on the amount of alcohol consumed rather than the type, but one study found that non-light beer may increase the risk of psoriasis in women. This could be due to the high starch content in darker beers, which may trigger psoriasis symptoms. Beer also contains gluten, a known psoriasis trigger.

Kicking the Habit: How Quitting Alcohol Affects Psoriasis

While there’s no solid research on what happens when people with psoriasis eliminate alcohol completely, anecdotal evidence suggests that cutting back or quitting altogether may reduce psoriasis severity and increase treatment effectiveness.

Other Psoriasis Triggers to Watch Out For

Alcohol isn’t the only trigger to be aware of. Other common triggers include:

  • Stress
  • Skin injuries
  • Infections
  • Certain medications
  • Smoking cigarettes
  • Dietary factors such as nightshade plants, gluten, dairy, shellfish, pork, red meat, and foods high in sugar and fat

When to Seek Help

If you have psoriasis and enjoy drinking, talk to your doctor or dermatologist about potential concerns. They may recommend a safe amount to consume or offer tips to minimize symptoms. If you’re experiencing depression due to your psoriasis, alcohol intake, or other reasons, don’t hesitate to reach out for support.

Recognizing the Signs of Alcohol Use Disorder

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, common signs of alcohol use disorder include:

  • Feeling powerless to drink less
  • Skipping out on activities you once enjoyed
  • Drinking in high-risk situations
  • Developing a high tolerance for alcohol
  • Craving alcohol
  • Experiencing withdrawal symptoms
  • Facing problems at home, work, or school
  • Drinking to cope

If you relate to any of these signs, don’t be afraid to reach out to a doctor, therapist, or rehab center for support.


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