Break Free from Chronic Low Back Pain
Millions of Americans suffer from chronic low back pain every year, often due to a sedentary lifestyle and/or heavy use. But there’s hope! By incorporating simple exercises into your daily routine, you can strengthen your back and core, reducing and eliminating chronic low back pain.
The Power of Back-Strengthening Exercises
Research has shown that regular practice of back-strengthening exercises can be an effective solution for chronic low back pain sufferers. By targeting key muscle groups such as the back extensors, deep core stabilizers, abdominals, and glutes, you can improve your body’s ability to tolerate activity and reduce weakness from inactivity.
5 Essential Moves to Beat Back Pain
Here are five exercises that can help keep your back healthy and strong:
1. Decompression Breathing
Stand tall with your toes touching and heels slightly apart. Shift your weight into your heels, unlock your knees, and gently pull your heels toward each other. Reach your arms overhead, press your fingertips together, and breathe deeply, lifting your ribcage away from your hips. Repeat until you feel tall and supported.
2. Founder to Forward Fold
Start in a modified founder position with your hands back behind you. Inhale and reach your arms out in front of your heart, keeping your hips back and pressing your fingertips together. Slowly lift your arms up, keeping your core pulled in to maintain a neutral spine. Hold for 15-20 seconds. Then, float your hands down to the ground, driving your hips back and keeping your weight in your heels. Pull your hips back, up, and away, reaching your hands as far forward as possible to counterbalance. Hold for 20-30 seconds.
3. Adductor-Assisted Back Extension
Lie on your stomach with your feet flexed and legs zipped together. Press your hips and knees into the ground and lift your elbows up until your hands “float” above the ground. Pull your shoulders down towards your butt while lifting your chest off the ground, keeping your neck long and holding the pose for 20-30 seconds.
4. Eight-Point Plank
Lie on your stomach with your feet flexed, knees touching, and elbows a few inches in front of your shoulders. Pull your shoulders away from your ears, and gently squeeze your knees and elbows toward the centerline of your body. Press your knees, toes, and elbows into the mat as you lift your hips up to the height of your shoulders. Tighten your core and maintain a long, neutral spine. Hold for 20-30 seconds.
5. Woodpecker
From a lunge position, press through your front heel and stand tall. Lift your back heel up off the ground and reach your arms out in front of your heart. Drive your butt as far back as you can, without moving your knee, until you feel a stretch in your hamstrings. Tighten your core, taking care to maintain a neutral spine, and slowly reach your arms overhead. Hold for 20-30 seconds, then repeat on the other side.
The Takeaway
By incorporating these exercises into your daily routine, you can strengthen your back muscles, reduce chronic low back pain, and improve your overall health. Remember to practice regularly, focus on proper form, and don’t be afraid to modify the exercises to suit your needs. With a little practice and commitment, you can say goodbye to chronic low back pain for good!
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