Navigating Life After Graduation: Career Goals and Preparation

The original blog post was too long, so I had to rewrite the questions and answers. Here is the rewritten version:

Q: What is your dream job or goal after graduation?
A: I am still not 100% on what I want to do with career paths…but am doing as much as I can, taking different avenues to make sure that I am able to figure out what works best for me! Currently, I am interested in Public Relations and Communications.

Q: How are you preparing for college graduation?
A: In order to achieve such a career path, I will continue to work on my blog…hoping to grow it more and more. I keep an inspiration collection which includes: a little thoughts book, scrapbooks of style inspirations, and an archive of pictures. I will continue to work on my resume and cover letter and probably meet with our Career Office for the first time and just see how I am in the large scheme of things…hopefully on target!

You can also read more about Clare’s soon to be college grad experiences on Twitter @twirlingclare.


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