The Art of Authentic Networking
As a business school graduate, I’ve always known the importance of building connections. But, despite my best efforts, networking still feels like a daunting task. It’s like being put on the spot to justify my existence, with conversations often feeling superficial and fleeting. I’ve tried to shake off the feeling, but it’s hard to ignore the sense of insincerity that comes with trying to make connections solely for personal gain.
Seeking Meaningful Connections
What I crave is authenticity. I want to meet people who are passionate about their work, who can teach me something new, and who share my enthusiasm for learning. Sometimes, I just want to meet someone who’s doing something completely different from me and understand what drives them. It’s not about what they can do for me; it’s about building genuine relationships.
Lessons Learned
Recently, I attended a networking event, determined to push past my discomfort and make connections. While it wasn’t a complete success, I did take away some valuable lessons. Firstly, it’s essential to vet the event. I realized that attending an event targeted towards a specific industry or topic would have been more beneficial than a broad, age-based gathering.
Secondly, I need to listen more and talk less. I found myself getting caught up in a barrage of questions, feeling like I was in a competition to answer the quickest and most cleverly. Next time, I’ll focus on having more in-depth, one-on-one conversations that allow for equal time and more meaningful discussions.
Lastly, I need to define my objectives. What do I want to achieve from attending these events? For me, it’s about becoming more comfortable introducing myself to new people and learning from those who are passionate about their careers. By knowing what I want to achieve, I can focus on building connections that are more authentic and beneficial for both parties.
The Quest for Authenticity
As I continue to navigate the world of networking, I’m left with more questions than answers. How do you introduce yourself without feeling like you’re putting on a show? How do you maintain interest without feeling like you’re trying too hard? How do you say goodbye when it’s clear that a connection hasn’t been made?
I want to hear from you – what has worked for you in the past? How have you built authentic connections that have benefited both parties? Share your experiences, and let’s learn from each other.
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