Break the Cycle: A Smarter Approach to New Year’s Resolutions

Rethinking New Year’s Resolutions: A Fresh Approach

As the clock strikes midnight on December 31st, many of us feel a mix of emotions – hope, excitement, and a hint of frustration. We’ve been here before, making grand promises to ourselves only to fall back into old habits by February. It’s a cycle that can leave us feeling embarrassed and defeated.

The Problem with Goal-Oriented Resolutions

I believe that one of the main reasons we struggle to stick to our resolutions is that they’re often too focused on the end goal. We set our sights on a specific target, whether it’s a certain amount of money saved or a particular habit formed, and forget to focus on the daily actions that will get us there. The truth is, humans are terrible at delayed gratification. We need to see progress and feel a sense of accomplishment along the way to stay motivated.

A Better Way to Approach Resolutions

Instead of setting lofty goals, what if we focused on making small, tangible changes to our daily lives? What if we started with individual acts that could be done today, rather than waiting for some arbitrary deadline? This approach allows us to build momentum and see results quickly, which can be a powerful motivator.

Start Small, Start Now

With this in mind, we’ve put together a list of resolutions that you can start working on today. These aren’t about reaching some big, quantifiable goal; they’re about making small changes that can add up to make a big impact over time. And the best part? Anyone can do them, regardless of income or financial situation.

Take the First Step

So, as you embark on your 2017 financial journey, remember to start small. Don’t worry about making grand promises or setting unrealistic goals. Instead, focus on making one or two small changes each day. You might be surprised at how far these tiny steps can take you.

Image via Pexels


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