Mastering the Art of Prioritization in a Fast-Paced World
In today’s hectic society, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the never-ending list of tasks and responsibilities. As someone who has been there, I understand the struggle. After launching my website while pregnant, I thought I had everything under control. But when my baby arrived prematurely, my world was turned upside down.
The Struggle is Real
Being a new mom is a full-time job, especially when your baby requires extra attention. Add college, homework, apartment maintenance, and a website to the mix, and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. I felt like I was drowning in a sea of responsibilities.
Finding Creative Solutions
Determined not to give up, I started looking for ways to save time and money. I cut my hair short to reduce styling time and expenses. I transferred to an online college to eliminate commuting time and babysitting costs. And, I invested in a top-notch planner to stay organized.
The Problem with Planning
However, I soon realized that the issue wasn’t planning my day, but prioritizing my tasks correctly. Writing down tasks in a planner is useless if you don’t know where to start or how to allocate your time and energy.
Introducing the GID Formula
That’s when I created my Get It Done (GID) formula, which has revolutionized my productivity. The formula is simple: Important Task = Time + Energy – Irrelevancy. By ranking tasks based on time, energy, and relevance, I can identify the most critical tasks that need my attention.
How the GID Formula Works
To calculate a task’s importance, I assign a score from 1 to 5 for each component:
- Time: 1 = Not time-consuming, 5 = Very time-consuming
- Energy: 1 = Low energy required, 5 = High energy required
- Irrelevancy: 1 = Highly relevant, 5 = Not relevant
The task with the highest score becomes my top priority. By prioritizing tasks based on their importance, I can tackle the most critical ones during my peak energy periods.
From Desperation to Productivity
I created the GID formula out of desperation, but it has transformed my life and the lives of others. Today, I’m an author, business owner, writer, mother, instructor, and almost a college graduate. I’ve learned that with the right systems in place, anyone can become a “Productivity Freak.”
Take Control of Your Life
Remember, you have the power to take control of your life and prioritize yourself. Don’t underestimate what you can achieve until you decide to be the boss of your life.
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