Transform Your Life in 3 Easy Steps: How to Break Free from Fear and Achieve Your Wildest Dreams

Breaking Free from Fear and Achieving Your Dreams

May is a transformative month for many of us, a time of renewal and growth. It’s a chance to reflect on our lives and careers, and make meaningful changes that can have a lasting impact.

Recently, I found myself caught up in the personal struggles of old friends on social media. The loss and hardship they faced was a stark reminder that life is precious and fleeting. This realization sparked something within me, and I began to re-evaluate my own goals and aspirations.

The Power of Scary Goals

If your dreams don’t intimidate you, are they truly big enough? I decided to create a plan for the next year with this thought in mind: if this was the last year of my life, what would I do? What’s holding me back from achieving my wildest dreams?

Looking back, I realized that May has been a pivotal month for me over the past five years. Each year has brought significant changes and challenges, but also opportunities for growth and transformation.

A Journey of Self-Discovery

In 2011, I faced the disappointment of a miscarriage, only to experience the same heartbreak again in 2012. But in 2013, something shifted. After a period of grief and introspection, I began to dream bigger and bolder. I invested in a coach, wrote down my goals, and committed to making them happen.

The following years brought more challenges and triumphs. In 2014, I left my unfulfilling job and welcomed a beautiful baby into my life. In 2015, I rebranded my website and redesigned my life.

Taking the Leap

So, what’s the plan for this month? I’m ready to take on my biggest and scariest goals yet! If you’re with me, here’s how you can start:

How to Set Big, Scary Goals in 3 Easy Steps

  1. Let Go of What’s Holding You Back: Write down what’s holding you back and say no to it. What are you tolerating that’s bringing you down?
  2. Dream Big: Write down your wildest and scariest goals. What do you want to achieve in 5 or 10 years? Don’t hold back.
  3. Commit to Making it Happen: Commit to making your goal a reality in the next year. Life is too precious to wait.

Join me on this journey of self-discovery and growth. Together, let’s make this the best year of our lives.


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