9 Proven Strategies to Reboot Your Career and Land Your Dream Job

Rebooting Your Career: 9 Essential Strategies to Land Your Next Job

The Long Road to Success

After being laid off last year, I didn’t expect to land a new job quickly. With the COVID-19 pandemic raging on and millions losing their jobs, the job market was brutal. I applied to numerous jobs, but it wasn’t until mid-July that I finally got a new job – the longest I’d gone without full-time employment in five years.

A Cumulation of Efforts

It wasn’t just one trick or hack that helped me get the job; it was a combination of steps I took and skills I’d developed over the years as a media professional. And, importantly, the support I received after losing my job played a huge role in my success.

Leveraging Your Network

When I lost my job, I reached out to everyone in my network. I told them about my situation and thanked them in advance for asking around. Most people were incredibly kind and supportive, offering freelance work opportunities and connections to other startups. You never know if you don’t ask, because people will never know you need help otherwise. And you should never feel bad asking for help.

Embracing New Opportunities

I said “yes” to almost every opportunity that came my way, even if it wasn’t a perfect fit. I formed an LLC, hired subcontractors, and consulted with several brands on their content strategies. Not every client worked out, but I was learning and building upon my skill set. I considered every conversation an investment of time worth making.

Studying the Competition

I researched the profiles of leaders in my field, analyzing their language, skills, and accomplishments. I fine-tuned my LinkedIn profile, treating it like I would my writing and communication skills – reading, annotating, and applying my learnings.

The Power of Recommendations

I asked former coworkers and managers to write recommendations on my LinkedIn page, offering one in return. I made sure they were thoughtful, specific, and helpful. Don’t ask for something without giving something back in return.

Resume Revamp

I had friends and former coworkers review my resume, catching typos and making suggestions I hadn’t thought of. Having different perspectives was much needed. I also used Canva to make my resume look fresh and updated, adding a bit of style to increase visibility.

Staying Positive and Focused

I didn’t stress about one role; I knew my life wouldn’t be over if I didn’t get the first job I wanted. I kept moving forward, taking the process day by day. Oftentimes, the best way is through, and that’s how this process felt.

Communicating Your Value

I focused on communicating numbers and quantitative data while highlighting qualitative data and soft skills. I balanced listing off numbers and percentages with showcasing my management style, ability to meet quick deadlines, and other accomplishments.

Letting Your Personality Shine

I didn’t hold back on letting my personality come through in my applications and interviews. I wanted to show that I was not only qualified for the job but also a good fit for the company culture. I chatted with my direct assigning editor about her family and offered to take extra assignments, demonstrating my willingness to learn and form connections.

By following these strategies, you can increase your chances of landing your next job and rebooting your career. Remember, it’s not just one trick or hack that leads to success – it’s a culmination of efforts, skills, and support.


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